Sunday 13 February 2011


friday was a wintry day with snow, saturday is an autumn day.  what a spectrum of weather and i thought only the dutch weather is like that.  i have not improve with my cough, so i just head to ebisu 恵比寿 after a brief visit to tokyo tower.

yebisu garden place. this is another huge shopping mall  that built on the old primises of sapporo yebisu beer factory.  that's why you got a lot more space here, something you won't get in central tokyo

and this is a rather bizarre scene to me, a man made chateau out of no where and the two high rise behind just aren't perfect match. 
at the top of yebisu tower, 38th floor.  the view is not perfect but these are the best view of the day.  i certainly will come back for lunch someday when the sky is clear.  the dining on the top is not expensive.
from the highest floor, i descent to the basement for a bowl of sapporo style ra-men. this ra-men stall is actually from the original famous sapporo ramen alley. a little salty to my taste but delicious.  i just realize this is the first bowl of ra-men i ate out.
when the hunger is satisfied, i head to the tokyo metropolitan museum of photography. but the exhibition is limited to something of 3D as the other exhibition halls are in transition for the next exhibition.
o well, i will come back next time.
while ebisu is the name of the station but this place is actually called yebisu garden place.

i went to the health consultation room at 41st floor after breakfast this morning as the symptoms of cough, sore throat and headache didn't subside.  the nurse on duty gave me some over the counter drugs, i took one this afternoon and it put me to sleep.  so i didn't even make it to church today, just rest to recover, for a new week ahead.

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